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2019 Program

Tours | Monday, February 25th, 2019
BYD bus transportation will be provided for the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict Tour, Seattle University Gardens Tour, and the Bullitt Center Tour. The bus will pick up tour attendees at the University Inn and Watertown Hotel and at the conclusion of the tours will transport attendees to the Opening Night Reception. If you do not want to attend all three tours, please make arrangements for your own transportation to the tour location.
The North Transfer Station is a state-of-the-art facility designed to improve customer safety, increase capacity and efficiency, and reduce odor and noise. SPU worked with the community through a collaborative design process to create a facility that includes community amenities and sustainable features, such as public open spaces, green stormwater infrastructure, and solar panels. In addition, the new Reuse & Recycle building will reduce the amount of waste headed to the landfill. With the new features of the station, SPU is excited to be serving North Seattle once again!

Meet Up: 1350 N 34th Street, Seattle, WA 98103
Tour Lead: Lee Momon | Operations Manager, North Transfer Station
The Capitol Hill Ecodistrict is working toward becoming the first certified Ecodistrict in the U.S. Learn how community members are collaborating to reach that goal while exploring some of the sustainability highlights and projects in the neighborhood such as the light rail station, the community solar project, the shared parking program, the pedestrian street pilot, the 12th Avenue Arts headquarters, and the Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing project.

Meet Up: Included in BYD transportation. For those joining independently, the tour starts at 12th Avenue Arts (1620 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122); ends at Seattle University.
Tour Lead: Joel Sisolak | Sr. Director of Sustainability and Planning, Capitol Hill Ecodistrict
Take a student-led guided tour of Seattle University's "edible campus", 100% organically maintained grounds, and wildlife habitat (as certified by the National Wildlife Federation since 2007). Learn how students are engaged in hands-on learning about agriculture, maintaining the edible gardens, participating in SU's Tree Care program, and donating on-campus grown produce to lunch programs in the Seattle area.

Meet Up: Included in BYD transportation. For those joining independently meet at the Chapel of St. Ignatius (easy to spot) on Seattle University campus. Visitors should enter the University Campus from the entrance at #1103 East Madison Street and follow the path to the chapel which is located just 300 feet from Madison Street. https://www.seattleu.edu/map/.
Tour Lead: David Clausen | Grounds Staff Leader
UW Surplus plays a critical role in helping the University of Washington achieve its sustainability goals. Last year, over 2,000,000 pounds of excess University property was diverted from landfill. Join us for a walking tour of the UW Surplus Store to learn about the program and its warehouse and retail operations. (Close-toed shoes are recommended.)

The UW Surplus Tour will meet up in the Facilities Training Center beforehand (#6 North Campus Walking Tour Map). The entryway is on the SE corner of the Plant Services Building (4515 - 25th Ave. NE).
Tour Lead: Catherine Scheid | Supervisor, Retail Operations and Inventory, UW Surplus
To advance both public and professional awareness and support for construction of more high performance buildings, the Center for Integrated Design conducts tours of the Bullitt Center, a certified "living building" that has met the toughest set of environmental building standards in the world. Tours focus on the building's unique integrated design and resource conservation systems, providing participants a view into the future of urban sustainability.

Meet Up: Included in BYD transportation. For those joining independently all tours of the Bullitt Center begin in the lobby on the 2nd floor, and will include the building's mechanical and electrical rooms, the grey water and rain water treatment systems, composting toilets and the "irresistible" stairway. Please use the entrance located at 1501 E. Madison Ave. To access the building, you will need to use the call box to dial the UW Integrated Design Lab (IDL). Tours are accessible for people with mobility challenges. Strollers are NOT permitted on tours and can be parked in the lobby. 1501 E. Madison Ave - 2nd floor lobby.
Tour Lead: Deborah Sigler | Program Coordinator, UW Center for Integrated Design
The University of Washington is a national leader in campus sustainability. This walking tour will highlight sustainability features on UW's grounds and buildings, including some of the newest North campus residence halls. We'll see how sustainability is incorporated into the built and natural environment on campus. https://green.uw.edu/walkingtour

Meet Up: The tour will start in front of the main information desk of the Husky Union Building (HUB). It will finish at the Intellectual House for the Opening Night Reception.

Tour stopping points and features
Tour Leads: JR Fulton, LEED AP | Capital Planning & Sustainability Manager, Housing & Food Services, University of Washington
Daimon Eklund | Sustainability Communications Coordinator, University of Washington
Opening Night | Monday, February 25th, 2019
Opening Night Reception
University of Washington Intellectual House - 4249 Whitman Court, Seattle, WA 98195
Welcome by: Rickey Hall | Vice President for Minority Affairs & Diversity and University Diversity Officer, University of Washington
Day One | Tuesday, February 26th 2019
Equity & Diversity
HUB 337
HUB 332
HUB 214
Operations & Facilities
HUB 250
HUB 145
Emcee Intro and Announcements: Claudia Frere-Anderson | Director, University of Washington Sustainability
Introduction: Scarlett Foster-Moss | Vice President of Public Relations and Government Affairs, Swire Coca-Cola, USA
Welcome Keynote | HUB Ballroom
Lisa Graumlich | Dean, College of the Environment, University of Washington
Student and executive leadership from Washington and Oregon will share their perspectives on integrating social sustainability across the academic system and building a thriving campus environment connects universities with their community, region and the world. How are leading institutions advancing sustainability goals in a time of rising tuition and competing priorities while integrating the practice of sustainability with equity, inclusion and justice within the campus setting? Learn how these campus leaders are driving sustainability initiatives forward that are relevant and engaging for diverse communities and aligned with programming focused on diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice.
Introduction: Sharon Lee | Account Executive, Lucid Design Group
Moderator: Terryl Ross | Assistant Dean of Diversity for College of the Environment, University of Washington
Jeanne Allen | Chair, Campus Sustainability Fund & Graduate Student Representative, Environmental Stewardship Committee, University of Washington
Teri Fane | ASPCC Student Body President, Portland Community College Cascade Campus
Angel Mandujano-Guevara | Graduate Student, Human Services Resource Center, Oregon State University
Taylor McHolm | Program Director, Student Sustainability Center, University of Oregon
Natasha Martin | Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Professor at the School of Law, Seattle University
Networking and Coffee Break
In this session we will be creating space for discussing how to apply an anti-racist lens to sustainability education work. Utilizing Tema Okun's White Supremacist Culture Framework, we will unpack ways that sustainability education perpetuates white supremacy culture and the unintended consequences on our communities if this goes unexamined. Modeling a shared power dialogue, table discussions will invite all as learner and contributor, regardless of titles or years of engagement with topic. Honoring all perspectives we will to co-construct relevant answers to current questions and share best practices from our participating universities.
Saiyare Refaei | Coordinator for Sustainability Integration, Pacific Lutheran University
Nicole Juliano | Director - The Diversity Center, Pacific Lutheran University
Arlene Plevin | Professor of English, Olympic College
Presentations -     
Join us for a deep dive into five unique student-led initiatives on campuses in WA & OR including SEED (Students Expressing Environmental Dedication) focused on education and advocacy surrounding sustainability in residence halls and the larger campus community; Students Organizing for Access to Resources (SOAR) Center, resource hub that strives to create equitable access to resources for student as they prepare for the professional workplace; Green Fund' initiatives to to fund efforts, initiatives, and events that support a more just and sustainable future and The Waste Reduction Task Force (WRTF), a team of student volunteers conducting outreach about materials reuse and sustainable waste management on campus and through public partnerships.
Jessica Moats | Student; Executive Director of SEED, University of Washington, Housing and Food Services, SEED
Michelle Marie Hicks | Student, SOAR Center Coordinator, Willamette University
Tova Hershman | Student, SOAR Center Coordinator, Willamette University
Claire Pockell-Wilson | Research Assistant, Willamette University
Natalie Roadarmel | Student Researcher, Willamette University
Teri Fane | ASPCC Student Body President, Portland Community College Cascade Campus
Presentations -         
Adapted from Emory University's Piedmont Project, each academic year, Western's Sustainability Fellows program enhances curricular initiatives in sustainability. The program brings together 8-10 faculty members from all disciplines across the university to design or re-design existing courses to better incorporate sustainability into the curriculum. Participants engage in meetings with other Sustainability Fellows, explore sustainability from a variety of perspectives, and re-design an existing course (or create a new course). In its fourth year, Fellows represent a variety of disciplines including anthropology, community health, engineering, history, linguistics, performance studies, psychology, sociology, and Asian languages. Fellows meet regularly to discuss best practices in teaching for and about sustainability. Program outcomes for the Fellows are (1) the re-design or creation of a course to include a sustainability module; (2) forming learning networks with supportive teaching partnerships; and (3) reflection on sustainability as both personal and civic modes of thinking. Resources, teaching activities, and syllabi will be shared at this session.
Grace Wang | Professor, Western Washington University
Phil Thompson | Professor, Seattle University
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Digital energy dashboards have proven to be a convenient tool for energy data management, analysis, and reporting and can be utilized to support not only campus operations but community-based programs and behavior-change campaigns. Two student employees and a team of three senior capstone students developed software that tracks energy consumption data in real time, enabling interactive web-based visualizations and digital marketing tools. Custom software has enabled OSU to provide its community with a platform for tracking, analyzing, reporting, education, and outreach, all while maintaining visual elements consistent with institution-wide brand guidelines. Learn more about the capabilities and benefits of the OSU dashboard software, insight into the development process required, and the future potential for sharing our open source solutions.
Jack Woods | Utility Data Analyst Student Technician, Oregon State University
Brogan Miner | Student Software Systems Engineer, Oregon State University
Leticia Cavazos | Sustainability Program Assistant, Oregon State University
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Join us and learn from the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council on the current sustainable purchasing movement. Portland-area sustainable purchasing champions share real world case studies of their leadership-calibre work. This interactive presentation will introduce "sustainable purchasing" as a concept and share how attendees can get started on incorporating sustainability into their procurement processes ASAP. Come find out how sustainable procurement can advance your sustainability goals and save you money in the process!

Sponsored by:

Introduction: Tom Robbins | Managing Principal, YGH Architecture
Johanna Anderson | Member Services Coordinator, Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council
Stacey Foreman | Sustainable Procurement Coordinator, City of Portland
Shawn Postera | Sustainable Purchasing Coordinator, Multnomah County
Briar Schoon | Sustainability Manager, Portland Community College
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Lunch | HUB Ballroom
Champions of Sustainability Scholarship Recognition | HUB Ballroom
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From Climate Commitment to Action: The Catalyst, Template for Fossil Fuel Free, Zero Energy Buildings in Higher Education | HUB Ballroom
Ash Awad | Chief Market Officer & President, McKinstry
Mary Voves | Vice President, Business and Finance, Eastern Washington University
Ecological design is rooted in the permaculture principles of living ecological systems. Mimicking the patterns and relationships found in nature, permaculture uses systems thinking and design principles that provide a framework for a sustainable environment. While permaculture has historically focused on land and nature stewardship, these principles can be applied to social justice policies. Ecological design and permaculture principles are tools that we can use to help enact social change and give us the framework to slow down and recognize the interconnectedness of all things around us to make more informed decision. Join this interactive workshop to learn how ecological design and permaculture principles were used to create and implement PSU's all gender restroom policy. Participants will work in small groups to identify a problem facing campuses today, discuss where these principles can be applied as points of intervention to help aid in the advocacy of social justice policies in their own institutions, and allow for diverse views and opinions to help craft potential solutions to social inequalities present on today's campuses.
Amanda Wolf | Program + Assessment Coordinator, Portland State University
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This session will demonstrate the advantages of taking a backseat to student interest and letting them develop and carry out programming. Faculty speakers will discuss the process of coming to grips with letting go of control, and striking the balance between being an expert, a mentor, a boss, and most importantly, support staff. Student leaders and staff from the Student Sustainability Center at the University of Oregon will talk about their roles on campus, creating a volunteer corps to meet student interests and get work done and discussion on how they operate, make decisions and what they need (and don't need) from professional staff and faculty. Start the conversation where professional staff and faculty can engage student leaders to learn what students need in order to develop as sustainability leaders. Students in the audience can see and hear how they can leverage their skills to take leadership roles and advocate for themselves as capable, responsible adults who know when and how to ask for support.
Taylor McHolm | Program Director, Student Sustainability Center, University of Oregon
Jade Menchaca | Food Security Coordinator, Student Sustainability Center, University of Oregon
Brendan Adamczyk | Student Sustainability Network Chair, Student Sustainability Center, University of Oregon
Julia Olson | Student, Waste Reduction & Reusables Coordinator, University of Oregon
Zaida Hatfield | Student, Cultural Sustainability Coordinator, University of Oregon
To effect meaningful change and encourage action, educators constantly need to adjust their pedagogies in response to shifting political, scientific, social, cultural, and environmental terrains. To address this problem of inaction, this workshop is designed to encourage the creation of innovative interdisciplinary "ecopedagogies" involving environmental justice and global environmental degradation. The workshop encourages interactive discussions with participants around several key themes including developing interdisciplinary frameworks for active learning to foster action and participation in students; using classrooms to increase engagement with the surrounding communities and support an urban-serving mission; recognizing and integrating other perspectives in teaching sustainability, including transnational, restorative, and Indigenous ecological experience and knowledge when and where possible; and student engagement through authentic undergraduate research and service learning. This workshop recognizes the urgent need for educators to adopt creative ways to engage students, especially on urban-serving campuses, in meaningful sustainable change.
Jim Gawel | Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry & Engineering; Sustainability Committee Chair, University of Washington Tacoma
Ellen Moore | Senior Lecturer, Communication, UW Tacoma
Ellen Bayer | Assistant Professor, Environmental Literature, UW Tacoma
Landfills are the third-leading cause of methane emissions in the US that could be avoided if more people would compost and recycle. Composting and recycling avoids the creation of landfill methane greenhouse gas 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. This session will go over innovative waste and recycling initiatives and focus on how the University of Washington encourages greater participation in composting and recycling on their campus, including "Smart Bins" - interactive trash cans that educate and provide positive feedback to users for correctly sorting their waste. We will also examine their self-service, desk-side waste and recycling collection program called MiniMax, which is designed to minimize waste and maximize recycling on campus. Learn more about Garbology courses at the University of Washington Bothell Campus and Cornish College of the Arts that engage students in experiential learning and garbology research where they collected data on material distribution in waste streams, contamination levels, and experimented with interventions to reduce waste stream contamination on their respective campuses. And finally, Coca Cola will discuss their ambitious sustainable packaging goal in their new World Without Waste initiative with an industry-first goal to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle or can it sells globally by 2030.
Karen Cheng | Professor, University of Washington
Rebeca Rivera, Ph.D. | Lecturer, University of Washington Bothell
Allison Fann | Environmental Studies Major, IAS, UW Bothell
Erica Bartlett | Program Support Supervisor, UW Recycling
Liz Gignilliat | Manager, UW Recycling
Scarlett Foster-Moss | Vice President of Public Relations and Government Affairs, Swire Coca-Cola, USA
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City governments often wish to collaborate with universities to address their city's most pressing challenges. However, making that connection can be difficult, from knowing who to contact, to working within the constraints of the academic calendar. The EPIC model - developed a decade ago at the University of Oregon and now implemented at 30 universities nationally - facilitates an intentional partnership between the university and one city for one year. Through the partnership, dozens of faculty and hundreds of students work within multiple disciplines to tackle as many as 30 city-identified projects. The city benefits from the energy and innovation of students and faculty, while students gain real-world learning experiences. Real change happens in our local communities, but to be truly sustainable, these changes must address equity and accessibility so that all members of the community benefit. Panelists will share examples of EPIC projects conducted on behalf of partner cities that specifically address equity and accessibility. By adopting the EPIC framework, colleges and universities around the world can have a more active role in catalyzing change. Rather than one-off projects, or multiple faculty engaging independently with different municipal partners, the coordinated engagement across a university - directed on a large scale to a single city over an entire year - radically changes the impact. This participative panel discussion is led jointly by program representatives from three schools working with the EPIC model: the University of Oregon, the University of Washington, and Western Washington University. The session builds upon their 2016 WAHESC presentation and provides an update to the WOHESC community about the growth of the EPIC model nationally and internationally.
Megan Banks | Program Manager, University of Oregon
Branden Born | Associate Professor, Co-director, Livable City Year, University of Washington
Teri Thomson Randall | Program Manager, Livable City Year, University of Washington
Lindsey MacDonald | Coordinator, Sustainable Communities Partnership, Western Washington University
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Networking & Coffee Break
Institutions and bureaucracies have momentum that is often difficult to stop. At the same time they tend to move glacially when faced with change. Due to these two dynamics, the threat of stasis or the threat of a drift to the old ways is ever present. Likewise, individuals within those institutions and bureaucracies can experience the same tendency to drift due to implicit bias. Biases exist for many reasons and in this session we will focus on those reasons. This session will create a space to explore personal, institutional and structural forces that have kept institutions from equitable practice around multiple points, including race, ethnicity, and social class. Through an in-depth discussion we will discover our commonalities, build community, and benefit from collaboration around best practices.
Lisa George | Community Based Learning Faculty Coordinator, Portland Community College
Teri Fane | ASPCC Student Body President, Portland Community College Cascade Campus
Joseph Culhane | Sustainability Communications Coordinator, Portland Community College
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Historically understood as a grass-roots, collective enterprise, the work of sustainability increasingly requires considerable funding, particularly as it attempts to address social equity issues. The educational green fee remains a useful tool to increase awareness of sustainability, as well as to provide a rudimentary funding source for student-initiated projects. This session is designed to explore ways to expand grant fees, collaborate with advancement teams, and successfully request grant funding. Keeping in mind the challenge of reconciling the potentially disconnected wishes of the donor with the purpose and mission of a University's sustainability initiatives, particular focus will be dedicated to how to identify and implement mutually-beneficial arrangements. Discussion will also address how to amplify sustainability fundraising opportunities with advancement staff. Lastly, the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) model the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company or business will be reviewed.
Craig Dunn, Ph.D. | Wilder Distinguished Professor, Business and Sustainability, Western Washington University
Zac Pinard | Coordinator for Environmental Affairs, Associated Students of OSU
Manca Valum | Senior Director, Advancement for Strategic Initiatives, Development, Corporate & Foundation Relations, Western Washington University
Johnathan Riopelle | Sustainability, Equity, and Justice Fund Grant Program Coordinator, Western Washington University
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This session is designed to foster a conversation about how sustainability-oriented teaching or promotion may be shifting over time. We will discuss how the projections of the future we construct with students and peers via readings and discussions frame the challenge of sustainability. As these projections change, how do they influence both the methods for pursuing sustainability that we emphasize and our capacities to act? Both instructors and students grapple with feelings of grief and despair over our current state of affairs and the prospects they portend, yet we continually strive to feel hopeful and inspire both hope and a feeling of agency in our students. Given the grave nature of current threats, how can we inspire students and colleagues to work towards a future that we hope to see, instead of what we fear will come to pass? The panelists will share how they grapple with these questions in the class setting, but the core of the session will be facilitated discussion by the panelists and audience members to share insights, experiences, and potential applications in and beyond the classroom.
Dr. Robert J. Turner | Senior Lecturer, University of Washington Bothell
Dr. Martha Groom | Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Bothell
Dr. Jennifer Atkinson | Senior Lecturer, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Bothell
Dr. Sonya Doucette | Associate Professor, Science Division, Bellevue College
Session handout
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Environment America and the Student PIRGs are working on college and university campuses to shift America towards 100 percent renewable energy. Learn about our vision for 100 percent renewable energy, our recent progress, and the resources we've developed to help campuses switch to renewable energy. Showing broad-based support for 100 percent renewable energy and building long-term relationships with campus faculty, staff and administrators will help driving campuses to set a goal of all energy from clean sources. Learn about opportunities to lead a campaign for 100 percent renewable energy on your campus and the importance of student power and action.
Kyra Woytek | Campaign Coordinator, 100% Renewable Energy Campaign, WashPIRG, UW
Lucas Gutterman | Organizing Director, OSPIRG Students
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Building a more sustainable future has many facets, from innovative building design, creating resilient infrastructure, to creating equitable and inclusive communities. Dave Karlsgodt, Host of the Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast, will explore the intersections of energy, infrastructure, and society as well as the catalytic role our higher education institutions will play in creating this future. Learn how the ongoing construction of the University of Washington's 300,000 square foot Population Health Facility, a space for interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation toward global population health solutions, joined university and design teams in extensive outreach and collaboration involving faculty, student groups and medical professionals to help design sustainability features of the building, and worked with student and community groups to design a building that best serves its campus in an effort to achieve these goals.
David Karlsgodt | Principal, Fovea, LLC and Host, Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast
Chris Meek | Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Washington
Devin Kleiner | Project Architect, Senior Associate, Perkins+Will
Chris Hellstern | Living Building Challenge Services Director, The Miller Hull Partnership
Kyle McDermott | Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) Coordinator, UW Sustainability
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Networking Break
Poster Session | HUB Ballroom
The tri-campus committee of UW Bothell, Tacoma, and Seattle Sustainability are hosting a meet-up for farm/garden managers or participants to compare what each entity does at their institution. They will be bringing together the community of fellow farmers to share best practices, trade ideas, and exchange resources to build a community of growers and give each other a network with which to connect and communicate.

Click here to RSVP.
Host: Alexa Russo | Sustainability Coordinator, University of Washington Bothell Facilities Services
Many of us working in Eco Rep Programs, or peer-to-peer mentor education programs face similar challenges. This session will provide those of us working on similar programs an opportunity for information sharing and community support. Additionally, for schools that have differing models from each other, this will be a space to share pros/cons of their program models; this would also allow institutions that are seeking to create Eco Rep programs space for questions and troubleshooting.

Click here to RSVP.
Host: Madeleine Jones | Sustainability Representatives Program, Western Washington University
Working with land is part of our culture and inherent right as human beings. Join Meet-Up host Ashley Arin as she creates a syllabus that largely rests on grassroots, community movement work. This will be an opportunity to learn about how racism creates environmental injustice, historical understanding of black environmental work, counter-narrative responses and community resilience. Meet-up to discuss conceptual questions such as: What does land education look like for black communities? What are alternative educational systems black folks can utilize? What does it mean or look like to find connection on dispossessed lands and how this question might connect to reimaging education? What can be done in educational spaces about reclaiming lost or interrupted histories?

Click here to RSVP.
Host: Ashley Arhin | Student, Western Washington University
What is storytelling and why is it important right now? Telling our sustainability stories, on campus and in the communities within which we serve, is vital to the continued support and success of our efforts. There are a multitude of channels and outlets to use, such as print, digital and online marketing, and social media platforms. The appropriate use of these channels can reduce, alleviate, and potentially eliminate communication overload and fatigue. This will be the second annual WOHESC Sustainability Communicators Networking Meetup to exchange knowledge, expertise, and best practices. We will have an opportunity to generate new thinking on what successful communications might look like, both in theory and in practice, inter/intra-campus, incorporating all aspects, social media, digital and online marketing, and print. Whether you are new to sustainability storytelling, or an old pro, this meetup is for you!

Click here to RSVP.
Host: Susanna Hamilton | Sustainability Action Plan Coordinator, Western Washington University
Networking Reception | HUB Ballroom
Exhibitor passport prize drawing includes a chance to win one of the following: $200 Lime Gift Card, Deschutes Brewery Gift Basket or 1 of 4 UW Gift Packs.
Day Two | Wednesday, February 27th 2019
Equity & Diversity
HUB Ballroom
HUB 332
HUB 214
Operations & Facilities
HUB 250
HUB 145
Yoga | Studio 316
Free to attend, just show your WOHESC name badge to gain entry. Taking place in the University of Washington Intramural Activities (IMA) Building. Click here for a walking map from the HUB.
Welcome Remarks | HUB Ballroom
Lou Cariello | Vice President of Facilities, University of Washington
Introduction: Ted Sweeney | Safety and Campus Policy Lead, Spin
Opening Keynote
Laura Clise | Founder and CEO, Intentionalist
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#youthvgov is the viral hashtag for the landmark climate lawsuit being brought by 21 youth plaintiffs against our federal government. They seek a court order directing the government to stop permitting, authorizing, and subsidizing fossil fuel development that endangers their future. They ALSO seek an enforceable plan to stabilize the climate. The case builds around fundamental constitutional rights as well as the atmospheric trust theory developed by University of Oregon Law Professor Mary Wood. Meet some of the key players in this landmark case. Explore the issues at stake. Be inspired by the power of legal activism that has gained traction in the courts.
Andrea Rodgers | Senior Attorney, Our Children's Trust
Mary Wood | Philip H. Knight Professor, Faculty Director, Environmental & Natural Resources Law Center, University of Oregon School of Law
Kiran Oommen | Student, Seattle University and Plaintiff, Juliana vs. US
Aji Piper | Plaintiff
Networking and Coffee Break
This session focuses on methods for overcoming the challenges of environmental privilege across student, faculty, and community groups with curricular/co-curricular resources to take home. Our speakers will share their experiences as new administrators and faculty members at a small liberal arts school charged with integrating sustainability and equity into the core undergraduate curriculum. Learn first-hand examples from student experiences in a course added to the catalog - Intersectionality and the Environment - from leading professional development for faculty to incorporate sustainability in their courses.
Michelle Larkins | Director and Assistant Professor, Center for a Sustainable Society, Pacific University
Narce Rodriguez | Chief Office, Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Pacific University
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In the past few years, three frameworks have made a splash in the world of sustainability and higher education. The United Nation 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) layout a comprehensive vision for holistically improving planetary life with a target for completion by 2030. The goals take human thriving as a core focus and many of the goals are not overtly related to environmental issues or climate change. In contrast, Paul Hawken's Project Drawdown focuses specifically on reversing global climate change through its list of 100 solutions that will not only lessen the amount of carbon released but actually "drawdown" the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Drawdown provides a compelling, data-driven and proactive framework with an emphasis on transparent data and opportunities for student learning and engagement with local communities and businesses. Find out how AASHE's Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. This session will share highlights of these three frameworks, compare and contrast them, and share opportunities that they provide.
Yolanda Cieters | Sustainability Manager, Seattle University
Amy Dvorak | Director of Sustainability, Lewis & Clark College
Sarah Stoeckl | Program Manager - Office of Sustainability, University of Oregon
Meghan Fay Zahniser | Executive Director, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
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Sustainability in Action is a course at the University of Washington, Tacoma (UWT) designed to provide students with hands-on project experience in the development and implementation of sustainable solutions. The goal is to help students bring their great ideas for greening their campus into the realm of what is possible. The projects result in real impacts for the campus: reductions in waste, resource use, and dollars spent. Oregon State University's Sustainability Assessment course provides students with practical sustainability assessment skills to develop effective planning and monitoring of sustainability initiatives. Focused on integrating sustainability competencies of systems thinking, applied problem solving, creative sustainability assessment, this course and its project-based learning experience provide students practice thinking critically about a specific local sustainability issue and writing a policy brief to community partners providing policy alternatives and key recommendations based on sound sustainability assessment practices addressing environmental, social, and economic issues. This session will look at the design and lessons learned from sustainability-focused courses highlighting community-based projects, and offer 'Sustainability in Action' and 'Sustainability Assessment' as course models which can be replicated on other campuses.
Kim Davenport | Lecturer, University of Washington, Tacoma
Stanley Joshua | Director, Facilities Services, UW Tacoma
Ann Scheerer | Sustainability Instructor, Oregon State University
Sarah Bronstein | OSU Transportation Options Supervisor & Linn Benton Loop Advisory Committee
John Deuel | OSU Campus Recycling Manager
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The Offset Network is an online platform for colleges and universities to share experiences, lessons learned and tell the stories behind developing their own carbon offset projects. For institutions with fast-approaching carbon neutrality deadlines, carbon offsets can be an impactful instrument in the climate change toolkit. For example, the Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative (DCOI) shares the perspective that carbon neutrality goals should follow a reduce, renew, offset prioritization. Through this presentation, the pathway to pursue Peer Verification for self-generated offset projects will be explored and DCOI will present guidance for establishing a carbon offset program within your institution. The University of Washington's Embodied Carbon Network (ECN) connects building industry professionals and students focused on eliminating carbon emissions that occur throughout the lifecycle of buildings. ECN provides a case study on connecting individuals to accelerate change across the building industry, and will identify how session participants can engage with the Network, lessons learned, and steps for participants to establish similar communities.

Sponsored by:

Tani Colbert-Sangree | Strategic Program Officer, Duke University, Carbon Offsets Initiative
Tina Dilegge | Program Manager, University of Washington
Kate Simonen, AIA, SE | Associate Professor, University of Washington
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In this interactive and educational panel, speakers will share case studies from Portland State University and Portland Community College that have spurred community engagement within their campus landscapes and improved the environment through community involvement. Given PSU's dense urban context and short supply of open spaces, the importance of natural areas and a healthy tree canopy cannot be overemphasized as the University continues to develop. In a collaborative presentation you will learn about past, present, and future efforts that enable and encourage community engagement centered on campus grounds maintenance which have resulted in a thriving sustainable landscape and enthusiastic community partnerships. Portland Community College established a nascent apiary in 2014 and has since grown its program in support of the college's Bee Campus USA designation. In the past five years the programmatic, academic and infrastructure of the beekeeping efforts have significantly increased as the buzz for supporting bees on campus spreads. Learn more about Portland Community College's beekeeping efforts and specific examples of ongoing projects.
Leslie Walters | Landscape Supervisor, Portland State University
Jenny McNamara | Campus Sustainability Director, Portland State University
Elaine Cole | Sustainability Coordinator, Portland Community College
Anne Lessene | Landscape Department Part-time faculty, and Campus Beekeeper, PCC Rock Creek
Briar Schoon | Sustainability Manager, PCC Sylvania
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Lunch | HUB Ballroom
District Chef Chris Studtmann from Seattle Pacific University will highlight Sodexo's efforts to feature a wide range of plant-based dining choices that meet the growing demand for flexitarian diets and help to reduce our environmental impact. In partnership with the Puget Sound Food Hub, Sodexo supports small, local farmers by hosting a variety of events with local farmers that feature their product at Sodexo's plant-based venues and throughout the Seattle Pacific University campus.
Chris Studtmann | District Chef, Seattle Pacific University, Sodexo
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The OSU's Sustainability Advisory Council serves as the central sustainability committee for the university, supporting the work of sustainability practitioners and acting as an advisory body for OSU leadership and the Sustainability Office. This year, the Council has focused on social justice capacity building to better support all members of the university community and advance institutional goals around diversity, equity and inclusion. OSU's Social Justice Education Initiative (SJEI) is intended to support the entire OSU professional community in meeting the critical goals of OSU's Strategic Plan by providing facilitated learning opportunities, consultation, and coaching that specifically supports achieving inclusive excellence across all OSU endeavors. As a launching point, each Council member agreed to participate in the SJEI's two four-hour training sessions. While the Council is just getting started in its journey, positive outcomes are already evident. This presentation will expand more on those outcomes, key elements of SJEI and how the SJEI philosophy has helped OSU's sustainability practitioners hone their work to ensure that environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainability are complimentary.
Brandon Trelstad | Sustainability Officer, Oregon State University
Angel Mandujano-Guevara | Graduate Student, Human Services Resource Center, Oregon State University
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Sustainability is expanding to integrate social and economic justice and human health into the environmental field. This workshop will serve as a starting point to think about how community care principles can be incorporated into our organizations to better address complex issues. We will explore how to intentionally incorporate environmental justice into higher education sustainability work. This session will identify key areas where a holistic vision of sustainability, one where sustainability is understood to be the intersection of human health, social equity, protecting ecology, and economic vitality, can be applied to peer mentor education programs using Western Washington University's Sustainability Representative Program as a case study. At the end of the session, attendees will have a deeper understanding of environmental justice and be able to identify areas in their own programs where ideas of environmental justice can be incorporated.
Kate Rayner Fried | Student; Sustainability, Equity, and Justice Fund, Western Washington University
Madeleine Jones | Sustainability Representatives Program Coordinator, Western Washington University
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This presentation will explore two service-learning experiences that bridged students at Willamette University with their surrounding community and also will engage experiences with approaching college buildings on three separate campuses as "Living Laboratories" in the Sustainable Building Science bachelor's program at South Seattle College. Speakers will discuss their experiences and outline their pedagogical approaches. Join us to discuss the possibilities and challenges of project-based forms of experiential learning, as we examine the creation of initial collaborative ideas, partnerships, student responses and benefits, and a few cautions and recommendations. The panel concludes by inviting audience members to consider how they might integrate project-based and other forms of experiential learning into their coursework and teaching.
Catalina M. de Onís | Assistant Professor, Willamette University
Alison Pugh | Faculty, Sustainable Building Science Technology , South Seattle College
Steve Abercrombie | Faculty, Sustainable Building Science Technology, South Seattle College
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College and universities need new strategies to scale sustainable food procurement. Programs like STARS and the Real Food Challenge have institutionalized sustainable food purchasing but many campuses struggle to meet their goals or have plateaued in the volume of sustainable products that they purchase. This session will present case studies and best practices including sourcing and serving lower carbon, more sustainable, and higher-welfare food, food insecurity, food scrap collection programs for compost, minimizing contamination in compost stream, how to use compostables as an effective waste diversion stream and how composting is the essential piece of waste management on campus. They will also discuss strategies to overcome common barriers to implementing these best practices. The session will explore, in-depth, case studies from Portland State University, University of Washington and Willamette University on how they overcame barriers to create holistic, cost-effective solutions that source more sustainable and higher-welfare welfare products and create less waste with compost practices to scale successful food systems on campus.
Andrew deCoriolis | Executive Director, Farm Forward
Mark Harris | Sustainability Manager, Portland State University
Olga Kachook | Sustainability Manager, World Centric
Susan Thoman | Founder & Managing Director, Compost Manufacturing Alliance
Andre Uribe | Operations Manager, Flying Fish Company & Former Executive Chef, Willamette University
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In a rapidly-changing industry, sustainability graduates are increasingly looking to campus sustainability staff as de facto advisors for career help when feeling lost in their job search. In this panel, we'll hear from three esteemed university staff and faculty with their thoughts on how students can set themselves up for success post-graduation, including their perspectives on necessary skills, potential career paths, industry changes and where it is heading. We will also discuss how their programs are engaging in active community partnerships to bring professionals onto campus to create meaningful relationships and help students gain experience. Students will walk away with a greater understanding of how to fill skill gaps and where to look for a fulfilling career in sustainability.
Kevin Wilhelm | CEO, Sustainable Business Consulting
Seth Vidaña | Director of Sustainability, Western Washington University
Sierra Harden | Expedia, UW Alum
Chris Johnstone | EnviroIssues, Seattle University Alum
Sean Schmidt | Associate Director of Administration, Finance, and HR, Student & Enrollment Services, UW Tacoma
Networking and Coffee Break
Post-Conference Workshop | Thursday, February 28th, 2019
Emerging Leaders: Envisioning the Future of the Sustainability Field
Additional registration of $75
University of Washington Alder Commons, 8:00am-1:00pm
Registration and details here

Click here to view the 2018 Program