We appreciate your interest in contributing to the success of the Washington Oregon Higher Education Conference. Volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and memorable experience for all participants.
Volunteering at WOHESC offers a unique opportunity to:
We have a variety of roles available, including:
We need volunteers on all conference days. Our shifts have various time slots. We try our best to make volunteer shifts into 4 hour increments.
As a token of our appreciation, volunteers will receive:
To apply, please fill out the volunteer application form here. After filling out the form, within 24-72
hours we will be in touch with you to confirm a shift and time. Please respond to that email to confirm
your shift, and we will then send over the registration code!
Please note, to receive a discounted rate Full Conference ticket, volunteers need to confirm their shift.
Volunteering at the conference is popular and is a first come first serve process!
Please note: to volunteer, you must not have already registered/paid for a ticket.
Thank you for considering volunteering for the conference! Your support is invaluable to us, and we
look forward to working with you to make this conference a success.
If you have any questions, please contact Andrea at andrea@wohesc.org